
Investor Relations

Get to know Ad-Sol Nissin in 3 minutes

1. Business Overview

Ad-Sol Nissin has contributed to the development of a prosperous society
by providing ICT systems that support social infrastructure

Ad-Sol Nissin started our business in 1976 with the development of electric power grid control systems.

We take for granted that when we push a light switch, a light comes on.
However, to "generate" electricity at power plants, "transmit" it through substation, transmission, and distribution facilities, and "use" it in homes and enterprises, a well-developed infrastructure and supporting ICT systems are necessary.

The electric power grid control systems remotely monitors and controls the substation, transmission, and distribution facilities that deliver electricity produced at power plants to homes and enterprises by computer via a telecommunication network.
We have been expanding our business areas based on our strengths in "telecommunication," "monitoring," and "control" technologies cultivated in the electric power grid control systems.

Cornerstone of Ad-Sol Nissin's technological capabilities; telecommunication, monitoring, and control technologies

Cornerstone of Ad-Sol Nissin's technological capabilities; telecommunication, monitoring, and control technologies Cornerstone of Ad-Sol Nissin's technological capabilities; telecommunication, monitoring, and control technologies

Monitoring and control technology is used for remote facility monitoring and control in a variety of industries and domains, including operation management in the transportation field, such as railways, roads, and aviation.
In recent years, monitoring and control technologies have been applied to "visualize" the usage status of facilities and equipment, and we are working on the development of smart meters that visualize electricity and gas usage in real time, and IoT-related systems.

In the area of telecommunication, in addition to developing ICT systems that support the latest telecommunications network infrastructure such as 5G, we also provide security solutions that support safe and secure communications.

Ad-Sol Nissin's ICT systems that support our daily lives

Ad-Sol Nissin's ICT systems that support our daily lives Ad-Sol Nissin's ICT systems that support our daily lives

Ad-Sol Nissin develop and provide ICT systems that support social infrastructures such as electricity, gas, transportation, communications, and manufacturing in Japan.
ICT services provided by Ad-Sol Nissin play an active role in our daily life.

2. Our Strength

Our Strength


  • Through a wide range of business areas, we are well versed in both the business know-how of our clients and the technologies of manufacturers.
  • Generous investment in human resources and education. Fostering an internal culture of enthusiasm for technology acquisition, with each employee holding at least 5 certifications.
  • Promoting patenting of proprietary technologies, obtaining 23 patents (as of November 30, 2023).


  • Providing cutting-edge solutions through global alliances including Schneider Electric in France.
  • Creating and enhancing innovative key technologies through industry-academia collaboration and research and development activities at the AI Laboratory and San Jose R&D Center.


  • Gaining the trust of client companies through numerous large-scale projects and expanding our business domain.
  • One out of every four of our engineers have a PMP qualification*. Providing high-quality ICT services through thorough project management.
* PMP certification: An international certification that evaluates project management skills

3. Our Future

Promoting a new medium-term management plan
with the slogan of being innovative company that leads the "tomorrow" of the digital society

In May 2023, we formulated a new medium-term management plan, "New Canvas 2026."
With a view toward 2030, we discussed "how and in what areas we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and the development of our daily lives, while leveraging and evolving the technologies and strengths we have cultivated," and summarized them in a strategic framework.

new medium-term management plan new medium-term management plan

We will drive growth in two businesses, "Next-generation Energy" and "Smart Infrastructure/ Life", based on the baseload of "Enterprise DX/Modernization", which has evolved and developed from existing businesses.
Through these efforts, we will support the "Green Strategy" and "Digital Strategy" being promoted by the public and private sectors toward 2030 and 2050, and contribute to the realization of a "carbon neutral" and "smart city" beyond that, as well as a sustainable society.
We will increase our business leverage and accelerate our growth by combining these growth businesses and baseload with our proprietary solutions such as "GIS: Geographic Information System" and support for the utilization of digital data such as space/satellite data.

Initiatives to resolve the shortage of advanced IT personnel

  • Focusing on developing advanced IT personnel not only in Japan but also in Vietnam.
  • Promoting various initiatives to have a 1,000 IT personnel at the Da Nang Development Center in Vietnam.

4. Shareholder Return

Our basic policy on profit distribution is to strive to actively return profits to shareholders in addition to the distribution reflecting any improvement in our performance, while executing aggressive and strategic investments to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value.
Dividends are paid twice a year (interim and year-end) based on the progressive and continuous dividend increase (dividend increase of 1 yen or more) , the dividend payout ratio of 50% or more and DOE 6% or more.

*This will be applied from the interim dividend for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2026.

■ Trends in dividends per share

 Trends in dividends per share Trends in dividends per share

Related Links
Shareholders Return
Presentation Materials
Earnings Highlights