Since our founding in 1976, we have provided a wide range of ICT solutions that support our daily lives and society, from energy to disaster prevention, transportation, space, and medical care.
In order to realize a sustainable society, we are required to continue to promote a wide range of themes such as carbon neutrality and smart cities. We will contribute with Digital Transformation (DX) solutions by leveraging our unique strengths, such as technological capabilities cultivated since our founding and co-creation with global companies.

Business Overview

From social infrastructure to cutting-edge manufacturing: Ad-Sol Nissin creates a better society and future.

In a wide range of fields, including energy (electricity and gas), automobiles, roads, railways, aviation and space, public works and disaster prevention, information and communications, factories, and medical care, we provide advanced ICT solutions with the keywords security, safety, comfort, and environment.
We contribute to the development of an affluent society.

Business Development

Since our establishment in 1976, we have continued to expand and deepen our business domain based on the strengths; namely, advanced technology and reliable quality.

It will soon be 50 years since we started our business with the development of control systems for electric power grids.
With our strengths that lie in our advanced technological prowess that utilizes our cutting-edge technologies and high-quality system development capabilities, we have earned the trust of our clients in numerous large-scale projects and are expanding our business domain.

Business Characteristics

We provide consistent one-stop solutions, from consulting to maintenance, that match our clients' business characteristics and information system life cycle, based on the distinctive technologies that have been built up by our two businesses, Social Infrastructure and Advanced Industry.
These two businesses have united and collaborated to provide technology and services, as well as products and solutions, to leading Japanese manufacturers, system integration companies, and end users.
Furthermore, as a comprehensive engineering company that covers everything from device control (including sensing and OSes) to networks, large-scale infrastructure, and cloud systems, we provide a one-stop service across the entire range of our services.

Social Infrastructure Business

We provide system integration services in the area of infrastructure that supports our daily lives, or "social infrastructure."

Social infrastructure is vital to our lifestyles.
We develop ICT systems that form the foundation of social infrastructure in the areas of energy (electricity and gas), transportation, public services, and telecommunications and networks. In addition, we are working on cutting-edge themes such as next-generation energy systems that contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, next-generation communications, and the utilization of space/satellite data.

Advanced Industry Business

To strengthen Japanese manufacturing and make it more advanced, we will realize DX and IoT by making full use of cutting-edge technologies.

Japanese manufacturing makes our daily lives richer and smarter.
In the areas of Manufacturing, Services, and Enterprise, we provide advanced ICT systems such as next-generation automobiles, cashless payments, and electronic medical records, while supporting our clients' Digital Transformation (DX).

Solution Business

We provide strong support for the realization of digital innovation by combining solutions utilizing cartographic and spatial information with cutting-edge IoT security technologies.

We provide one-stop support for GIS (geographic information system), which is increasingly used in map applications, IoT spatial information, which utilizes our extensive wireless and sensing technologies and know-how, and the security that supports these systems.
Improving productivity and profitability through Digital Transformation (DX) and digitalization.

Global expansion

We are working to create high-quality services and cutting-edge technology that will lead the DX/digital era.

Research and Development

We contribute to the development of a sustainable society by providing high value-added ICT systems based on our proprietary research and development.

With the aim of contributing to the development of a sustainable and prosperous society through joint research with universities and research institutions in Japan and abroad, collaboration with cutting-edge companies, and activities at the AI Research Institute and the Ad-Sol Nissin San Jose R&D Center in the U.S. (a wholly owned subsidiary), we are working to create, strengthen and expand our innovative key technologies using DX, AI, IoT, security and other cutting-edge technologies.

San Jose R&D Center

Promoting cutting-edge R&D in Silicon Valley.

At Ad-Sol Nissin San Jose R&D Center (a wholly owned subsidiary), our employees and U.S. engineers work together to promote the research and investigation of the latest technologies.

Global HQ for IoT Security

In collaboration with Lynx Software Technologies, with whom we have been working together for more than 30 years, we focus on the research and development of cutting-edge IoT security solutions and on strengthening our technical capabilities. We are providing full deployment support to manufacturers and infrastructure companies in Japan.

AI Research Institute

The AI Research Institute, which leads our DX business through AI technology, is focusing on research on advanced AI technology, the construction of AI systems, and the development of AI engineers in order to contribute to our clients' DX and business transformation.
As for cutting-edge AI research activities, we are participating in an AI quality improvement project by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. In addition, we have started joint research with the School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo related to the utilization of space/satellite data for the purpose of developing space IT personnel and space innovation. In the area of generative AI, which has been attracting attention in recent years, we are expanding the scope of our activities, by developing and starting to use of our original services.

Industry-Academia Collaboration

The University of Tokyo

corp-logo-tokyo-en.jpgSpace / Satellite Data Utilization,
Space and IT Human Resource Development

Since 2022, we have been promoting joint research with the Nakasuka-Funase Laboratory which is part of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics of the University of Tokyo, on the theme of "Space x IT x Problem Solving" and are engaged in research on solving social problems through space/satellite data utilization (e.g., through the use of AI and other IT).
In addition, we are fully cooperating in the field of AI and IoT in the "Practical Space Data Utilization," a new course offered by the university in 2022 to develop Space and IT human resources.

Waseda University/Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

corp-logo-waseda-en.jpgEMS and International Standardization Initiatives

We are participating in a joint research project for the development of demand response technology being conducted by industry, academia, and government at the Energy Management System R&D Center. We were in charge of communication technology that works in conjunction with smart meters to control electricity peak shaving/peak cutting in smart houses and buildings in real time.
We are also jointly conducting research on regional energy management in Utsunomiya City.
*EMS: Energy management system

Keio University

corp-logo-keio-en.jpgFusion of GIS and AI/IoT

We have jointly developed a CPS platform that aggregates IoT data and GIS data in the city and a GIS-applied touchable 3D map that enables simulation of urban development. We are conducting joint research on the "fusion of GIS and digital data" for the next generation of urban planning.
*GIS: geographic information system

Ritsumeikan University

corp-logo-ritsumeikan-en.jpgIoT Security/OS for Next Generation IoT Devices

We have jointly established the IoT Security Research Center and the IoT Security Research Consortium. In addition to joint research on security technology, we are promoting human resource development. In addition, we are conducting joint research on improving the efficiency of CPUs installed in automobiles and factory automation equipment.

Da Nang University in Vietnam
Realization of Smart University

With the aim of developing the advanced IT personnel, we have concluded an industry-academia collaboration agreement with Da Nang University and are promoting initiatives such as internship programs, symposiums, and workshops. In addition, under the theme of "Realization of Smart University," joint research is underway to integrate the Metaverse and educational systems. As an educational system, we utilize StudyArts, a proprietary educational solution of the Ad-Sol Nissin Group.

Digital Innovation Lab

The Digital Innovation Lab is permanently set up as a space where our client are able to experience our original solutions and next-generation technologies that accelerate the realization of various themes that Ad-Sol Nissin focuses on, such as "next-generation energy" and "smart infrastructure/life", and for solving management issues and co-creating new value through dialogue with our clients.

Our Strengths in Support of High-Quality ICT Services


One out of every four of our engineers have a PMP qualification

Thorough project management

We provide high quality ICT systems for agile and low-code development through in-depth review and information sharing at each step of the project process.

Multi-site, distributed, and simultaneous development

We realize problem-free overseas offshore development with our unique platform that enables multi-site and simultaneous development.

Human Resource Development

Each employee holds at least 5 certifications

Generous investment in human capital and development

Based on the recognition that "human resources are our most important assets," we focus on human resource development. One out of four of our engineers has obtained PMP certification, and we have established a culture of enthusiasm for acquiring skills. By sharpening our skills on a daily basis, we contribute to the development, proposal, and provision of high-quality ICT systems.


23 patents (as of January, 2024)

Promoting patenting of proprietary technologies-IoT spatial information, map information, and security-

In order to strengthen and expand our competitive advantage through the creation of new key technologies, we are actively working on intellectual property relating to our proprietary technologies, including new technologies acquired through research and development activities and our accumulated know-how.


A technology that eliminates security risks that occur during the short period of time between when a terminal device (e.g., PC) connects to the Internet and when it connects to a high-security network.

Patent No.: 7146124
Registration Date: September 22, 2022


We are committed to co-creating future value through innovation to realize a sustainable society and enhance our corporate value.


Establishment of environmental policy
Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
・Adoption of LED lighting
・Individual settings for air conditioning
・Thorough dissemination of waste separation methods
Environmental conservation activities
・Participation in cleanup activities


Strengthening human capital
・Development of advanced IT personnel
・Skills Development Support
Promotion of diversity
・Recruitment of diverse human resources
・Promotion of women's empowerment
・Promoting the active participation of elderly people
Creating a workplace environment that supports diverse work styles


Corporate Governance
Risk Management
Information Security Management
・Cultivating compliance awareness
・Thorough quality management
・Establishment of internal reporting system

[Initiatives in Vietnam]
From the development of advanced IT personnel to the development of both Japan and Vietnam!

To provide high-quality ICT systems, we promote offshore development mainly in Vietnam (Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City). We are working to strengthen our offshore development system through alliances with Vietnamese companies and the recruitment and training of Vietnamese students. In 2023, we are working to develop ICT human resources in Vietnam, in addition to strengthening our offshore development system, based on a capital and business alliance with Techzen, a company established by our alumni, and industry-academia collaboration with Da Nang University, a Vietnamese national general university.
Through these efforts, we are contributing to the development of the Vietnamese economy and to solving the social issue of the "shortage of advanced IT personnel" in Japan.