Products & Solutions

At Ad-Sol Nissin, we develop numerous proprietary products related to IoT devices, geographic information systems (GIS) and information security, and combine these products to propose solutions. We also provide workflow development, technology, and services through engineers possessing advanced product management skills and proposal capabilities.




Focused on the development and provision of highly practical IoT products and solutions, including proprietary electric field communication devices that use precision position information and spatial data to achieve indoor location management and hands-free authentication.



We developed SUNMAP, a geographic information system (GIS) solution for the effective use of customer information assets. We also formed an alliance with France's Schneider Electric to provide cutting-edge DX solutions.



Developing products and solutions related to IoT security to enable IoT and cloud systems in plants and other closed networks. We also provide integration support for LynxSECURE, a security solution for IoT devices provided by America's Lynx Software Technologies.

System development

Industry & task-specific solutions

Industry & task-specific solutions

We have a vast track record and expertise related to the development and operation management of specialized systems for various tasks in social infrastructure fields, including energy sectors such as electricity and gas as well as automobiles, roads, railway, air transport disaster prevention, information communications, and payment services.

Cross-industry expertise

Cross-industry expertise

One in four of our engineers hold PMP certification (a globally recognized project management credential). We are involved in the development and operation of systems that are useful for various industries and tasks.

Technology / Services

Wireless technology

Wireless technology

As a company that has continuously worked to improve IoT technology, we have a vast range of technology and services related to various wireless communications. Our products include the LoRa private network, which can be used in a variety of applications, including meter and location monitoring, damage monitoring, and remote management.



We provide technology and services to suit the customer's needs and development environment, including development support for systems that combine cloud technology with existing open-source solutions.

Development support services

Development support services

Ad-Sol Nissin offices in Japan and Vietnam are linked in real-time to provide a global delivery service that achieves high-quality, low-cost offshore development. We also support agile development to enable high-speed, flexible development.

Professional Technology

We are a DX solutions partner dedicated to solving the issues our customers face. We use various wireless and sensing technologies with geographic information systems (GIS) to provide data visualization and analysis, as well as the security required to support those activities. We combine a broad range of technological capabilities with advanced project management and comprehensive proposals to provide a one-stop source for high-quality solutions.

Professional technology collectively refers to technological capabilities related to devices, control, OS, wireless and communications, backbone systems, cloud technology, mapping and positioning, and security. We support customer DX and IoT, from planning and development to operation.

Our strength is in our specialized technology for each phase of the IoT 5-phase development model. With experience and knowledge in both IT and OT, we build comprehensive systems for every aspect of IoT.

We have created a knowledge base for the specialized technology to cover the 5 phases of IoT. We also engage in industry-academic partnerships to conduct R&D for fundamental and applied technology aimed at resolving customer issues. We also focus on improving our management skills, as evidenced by the fact that one in four employees has earned their PMP certification. Our strength is in the professional technology comprised of these elements.