Investor Relations
Shareholders Return
Dividend Policy
Our basic policy on profit distribution is to strive to actively return profits to shareholders in addition to the distribution reflecting any improvement in our performance, while executing aggressive and strategic investments to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value.
Dividends are paid twice a year (interim and year-end) based on the progressive and continuous dividend increase (dividend increase of 1 yen or more) , the dividend payout ratio of 50% or more and DOE 6% or more.
*This will be applied from the interim dividend for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2026.
The stock split announced on February 6, 2025 has an effective date of April 1, 2025; therefore, the year-end dividend for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, with a record date of March 31, 2025, is based on shares before the stock split.