Investor Relations
This page includes an FAQ for our shareholders/investors and a form for submitting IR information inquiries.
Corporate information
- Q: When was the company founded?
- A: We were founded on March 13, 1976 as Nissin Software, and on November 24, 2003 changed our company name to Ad-Sol Nissin.
- Q: What is the meaning of the name Ad-Sol?
- A: Ad-Sol stands for Advanced Solution.
- Q: What is your corporate philosophy?
- A: Please see our Management Policy page.
Financial information
- Q: When is the end of your fiscal year?
- A: March.
- Q: What is your full-year schedule?
- A: Please see our IR Calendar page.
- Q: I want to know your most recent financial information.
- A: Please see our IR News List.
- Q: I want to see materials concerning earnings transitions.
- A: Please see our Financial Highlights page.
- Q: Tell me about your earnings forecasts.
- A: Please see our IR News List.
- Q: How can I obtain a copy of your annual report?
- A: We do not create an annual report.
- Q: How can I obtain a copy of your securities report?
- A: We publish our securities report on EDINET operated by the Financial Services Agency. (EDINET is an electronic disclosure system for securities reports and other disclosure documents governed by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.)
Reference: EDINET - Q: How can I obtain your timely disclosure materials?
- A: You can search for our timely disclosure materials via the timely disclosure information browsing service offered by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Reference: Japan Exchange Group
Stock information
- Q: When did your company go public and on which exchange was it listed?
- A: We went public on February 19, 2007 and were listed on the JASDAQ Securities Exchange (currently the TSE JASDAQ (Standard)).
On September 16, 2016, we were listed to the TSE, First Section.
On April 4, 2022, we switched to the TSE Prime Market. - Q: What is your securities code?
- A: Our securities code is 3837.
- Q: What is your stock trading unit?
- A: 100 shares.
- Q: What is your approach to dividends?
- A:Please see our basic approach to profit distribution. Furthermore, to provide shareholders with early returns, we provide interim dividends since interim FY2008.
- Q: What is your approach to investment unit?
- A:Please see our approach to reduction in investment unit.
- Q: What is your total number of shares issued?
- A: 9,390,189 shares (as of March 31, 2023).
- Q: When did you conduct a stock split?
- A: We conducted a 2-for-1 split of our common stock on April 1, 2008.
We conducted a 3-for-1 split of our common stock on January 1, 2014.
We conducted a 2-for-1 split of our common stock on October 1, 2016. - Q: When is your General Meeting of Shareholders?
- A: We plan to convene the General Meeting of Shareholders in June of each year.
- Q: Who is your auditing firm?
- A: Grant Thornton Taiyo LLC.
About procedures
- Q: Who is the administrator of your shareholder ledger?
- A: Mizuho Trust & Banking. Please see the Mizuho Trust & Banking website for details on procedures.
- Q: Who do I contact with inquiries concerning stock procedures?
- A: For change of address and other submissions or inquiries, please contact the securities firm with which you have an account. We have established a special account with Mizuho Trust & Banking for shareholders who did not deposit their stock certificates with the Japan Securities Depository Center, Incorporated (JSDC) via their securities firm prior to the digitization of stock certificates. As such, please contact Mizuho Trust & Banking, which serves as the administrator of our shareholder ledger.
- Q: What is a special account?
- A: An account we established to secure the rights of shareholders (right to exercise voting rights at the General Meeting of Shareholders, right to receive dividends, etc.) who did not secure their stock certificates with the JSDC prior to the digitization of stock certificates.
Special accounts are provisional accounts for securing shareholder rights, and may not be used to sell stock.
To sell stock, the individual shareholder must create an account with a securities firm and conduct procedures to transfer their stock to that account. - Q: My address changed. What procedures are required?
- A: Failure to provide notification following a change of address could result in the inability to provide shareholder notices via postal mail. As such, please inquire with your securities firm.
Furthermore, shareholders who did not deposit their stock certificates with the JSDC via their securities firm prior to the digitization of stock certificates should contact Mizuho Trust & Banking. - Q: I lost my dividend receipt or postal transfer payment notice. What should I do?
- A: Even if you have lost your dividend receipt or postal transfer payment notice, dividends can still be paid out if you perform certain procedures. Please contact Mizuho Trust & Banking for details.
- Q: My dividend receipt or postal transfer payment notice payment deadline has expired. What should I do?
- A: You can receive dividends directly by presenting the expired dividend receipt or postal transfer payment notice to a teller at the main bank or branch of the Mizuho Trust & Banking.
These can also be processed by postal mail. Affix your name seal to the registered seal or receipt seal column of the cover page (for postal transfer payment notices, this is the "recipient's seal" column), and fill out the method of receipt and other required information on the reverse side of the form. Then, send the form to Mizuho Trust & Banking. The dividend receipt or postal transfer payment notice is valid for three years.
Furthermore, to ensure the safe and certain receipt of dividends, we recommend setting up your account to receive for dividends via transfer to your bank or Japan Post Bank account.
For details, please inquire with your securities firm. - Q: I want to have dividends transfer to my bank or my Japan Post account (change or transfer account). What should I do?
- A: Please inquire with your securities firm.
Shareholders who did not deposit their stock certificates with the JSDC prior to the digitization of stock certificates should contact Mizuho Trust & Banking. - Q: I require a dividend payment certificate. What should I do?
- A: Please inquire with Mizuho Trust & Banking.
- Q: Will dividends be paid if my stock certificates are left in the special account?
- A: Yes, dividends are paid out for stock certificates left in the special account.
- Q: Tell me about your business operations.
- A: As a developer of independent systems, we provide specialized solutions for companies and public entities using information systems and embedded systems.
For details, see our Products & Solutions page.
- Q: How do you provide public notices?
- A: We use electronic notices as our method of provide public notice. (Japanese Only)
However, if circumstances prevent the use of electronic notices, then we will issue public notices in The Nikkei. - Q: To whom should I submit a request for materials?
- A: You can submit a request via our Inquiries page.
Furthermore, for inquiries concerning stock administration, contact your securities firm or Mizuho Trust & Banking (toll free: 0120-288-324).