We provide strong support for the realization of digital innovation by combining solutions utilizing cartographic and spatial information with cutting-edge IoT security technologies.

We provide one-stop support for GIS (geographic information system), which is increasingly used in map applications, IoT spatial information, which utilizes our extensive wireless and sensing technologies and know-how, and the security that supports these systems.
Improving productivity and profitability through Digital Transformation (DX) and digitalization.

Original Solutions

GIS (geographic information system)


Combining "maps" and "data" to visualize information assets and accelerate Digital Transformation (DX).
Contributing to business expansion and transformation with a wide range of service lineups through global alliances.


Store information mapping service

● Real-time mapping of store/facility information. Streamline management operations.
● SaaS type subscription service that does not require specialized skills or system maintenance.


Advanced analysis and simulation used by governments, universities, research institutes, etc.

● GIS engine from Esri, the US company that boasts the world's top share.
● Achieve business reforms with a rich product lineup, functions, and diverse system configurations.


Development platform for digital maps with excellent visualization

● Customizable design to suit clients' needs. Promotes the use of location data.
● Uses map information from ZENRIN to achieve industry-leading map accuracy.


IoT spatial information


Manage the location and status of "people" and "goods" in real time. Providing "location data integration solution" that contribute to productivity improvement and business reform by visualizing the workplace.


On-site management of factories and warehouses through the use of digital data

● Real-time detection of "who," "when," "where," and "which" is working.
● Contribute to smarter and more efficient operations by analyzing workers' flow lines, etc.


Seamless visualization of indoor and outdoor location information

● Real-time location and condition data of "people" and "goods" are collected and stored.
● Visualization of on-site activities contributes to productivity improvement and cost reduction.




As a distributer for Lynx Software Technologies, Inc., we provide the cutting-edge IoT solution in the U.S. "LynxSECURE"


Providing the cutting-edge IoT solution in the U.S. to protect IoT devices from cyber-attacks.

● Runs multiple OSs and software within the "quarantined" hardware area.
● The damage caused by OS and program vulnerabilities is kept within the area, "blocking" the spread of damage.
● "Data protection" is achieved by encryption and signature processing in a dedicated domain outside the OS.