We provide system integration services in the area of infrastructure
that supports our daily lives, or "social infrastructure.

Social infrastructure is vital to our lifestyles.
We develop ICT systems that form the foundation of social infrastructure in the areas of energy (electricity and gas), transportation, public services, and telecommunications and networks. In addition, we are working on cutting-edge themes such as next-generation energy systems that contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, next-generation communications, and the utilization of space/satellite data.

Business Area

Energy (electricity/gas)

In addition to the development of ICT systems in all areas of electricity and gas "generate," " transmit," "supply," and "use," we also provide ICT systems that contribute to decarbonization and GX (Green Transformation).


Deregulation and spin-off support (wheeling service and customer management), power plant and transmission facilities, VPP (virtual power plant), smart meters, microgrid


Providing system development, digital data utilization consulting, and ICT systems for communication security in the fields of transportation infrastructure (road, railway, and aviation) and space/satellite.


Railway: Operation management, lineside information, ticketing system
Roads: traffic information, equipment monitoring and control
Aviation: DX (Digital Transformation) projects for air carriers, weather information management
Space: Satellite communications, equipment monitoring and control, satellite data utilization

Public works

Providing ICT systems that contribute to people's safety and security in disaster prevention and resilience, dam and river management, infectious disease control, and other areas for governments.


Dam and river monitoring, wide-area disaster prevention systems, emergency medical services, social insurance-related systems

Communication / Network

Development of ICT systems that support the latest communication network infrastructure such as 5G, creation of new ICT services that utilize communication technology, and research on next-generation communication standards and technologies.


Communication monitoring and control, wireless base station systems

Technology and Know-how

One-stop service

We provide total support for all processes of ICT system development, from consulting to planning and proposals, requirements definition, development, maintenance and operation.


We support the creation of new services using ICT systems and the analysis and utilization of digital data, contributing to solving management issues and business transformation.


We contribute to the early realization of DX (Digital Transformation) by fully utilizing offshore development, and our extensive experience and know-how in cloud migration and agile development.