Climate Change Initiatives
Basic Approach
With the impact of climate change on lifestyles and businesses, such as natural disasters and extreme weather events, becoming a global issue in recent years, the use of renewable energy, etc., has come under scrutiny as part of efforts to achieve a decarbonized society.
We provide ICT systems and solutions to social infrastructure-related companies such as major electric power and gas companies that are promoting energy system reforms, as well as to the manufacturing companies that supports Japan's monozukuri (manufacturing).
Toward the realization of a sustainable society, we see climate change as one of the challenges facing society, and through the provision of ICT systems and solutions, we are committed to co-creating value with our stakeholders and promoting environmental management.
In addition, based on the scenario analysis recommended by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), we intend to be proactive in understanding the financial impact of the "risks" and "opportunities" associated with climate change, and in developing business strategies and risk management, as well as in disclosing these risks and opportunities.
Addressing the Recommendations of the TCFD
The TCFD requires disclosure regarding the following four items in order for investors to accurately understand the risks and opportunities of climate change and make appropriate investment decisions.
●Disclosure content in line with TCFD recommendations
Theme | outline | Our Disclosure Pages |
Governance | The organization's governance around climate-related risks and opportunities. | |
Strategies | The actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization's businesses, strategy, and financial planning where such information is material. | |
Risk Management | How the organization identifies, assesses, and manages climate related risks. | |
Metrics and Targets | The metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate-related risks and opportunities where such information is material. |
●Governance (Environmental Management System)
We have positioned our commitment to environmental protection activities, which have an important impact on climate change, as one of our key management issues and are promoting environmental management. The environmental management is promoted based on ISO14001:2015/JISQ14001:2015 (hereinafter, "ISO14001"), which was certified since 2004. The Environmental Committee, a company-wide organization, formulates environmental policies and targets every year considering changes in the external environment, and the Board of Directors makes decisions after deliberations by the Managing Conference, whose members include directors and general managers. A system is in place to report the status of initiatives to management in a timely and appropriate manner. We continue to further strengthen governance related to climate change and establish a system that enables the Board of Directors and others to understand and monitor the actual status of risks and opportunities.

●Risk Management
Ad-Sol Nissin collects and recognizes external environment and risks, analyzes their effects, and discloses them in the Securities Report.
Regarding the environment risk, we formulates environmental targets and action plans on a yearly basis, taking into account changes in the external environment and other factors, and promotes initiatives accordingly.
We will develop these efforts into the identification and appropriate management of "risks" related to climate change.
●Metrics and Targets
As part of our efforts to promote environmental management, we are working to reduce CO2 emissions, and disclose the amount of CO2 emissions over time. The TCFD requires the following disclosure of "indicators" and their "targets" for assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities.
- Indicators for assessing climate-related risks and opportunities
- GHG emissions for Scope 1, 2, and 3
- Targets used to manage climate-related risks and opportunities and performance against those targets
●Future Initiatives: Strategy (Scenario Analysis)
We will be discussing the implementation of the following actions to understand climate change "risks" and "opportunities".
Climate-related risks
1) Risk of transition to a low-carbon society 2) Risks associated with physical impacts of climate change →Analysis and understanding of their magnitude, scope of impact, items, etc.
Scenario Analysis
Analysis of "risks" and "opportunities" through scenarios based on the degree of increase in average temperatures, etc. →Verification of business impacts and future actions
Environmental Management
Initiatives based on ISO14001 Certification
In 2004, we acquired certification for our environmental management system (ISO14001:2015/JISQ14001:2015).
Since then, we have been continuously improving our environmental initiatives through planning, implementation, operation, inspection, and management review using the PDCA cycle based on the environmental management system.
Number of establishments certified for ISO 14001 (as of March 2024)
As of end of March, 2024, the number of offices that have acquired ISO 14001 environmental management system certification is as follows.br />
- Tokyo Head Office
- Kansai Branch
- Kyusyu Branch
- Sendai Development Center
(Percentage of certified offices: 100%)
Environmental Objectives and Action Plans (FY'24/3)
We promote climate change initiatives by establishing environmental objectives and action plans for each fiscal year.
Environmental Objectives
- Strengthen initiatives in business activities
Develop ICT systems and provide solutions that contribute to the realization of a sustainable society - Reduce environmental impact through further digitization of internal systems
Continuation of efforts to improve operational efficiency and labor saving, and further expansion of paperless and stampless operations - Ensure compliance
(Education) Regular environmental education using e-learning
(Inspection) Check compliance with environmental laws and regulations
(Surveys) Survey suppliers on their environmental activities - Strengthen environmental promotion system
Enhance and upgrade promotion members
Environmental Action Plan
- Initiatives for diverse social contribution activities
- New initiatives for social contribution activities
- Addressing Sustainability-Related Requirements
- Strengthen response to decarbonization and climate change
- Separate emissions, recycling, waste reduction
- Reduction of electricity consumption, energy conservation
- Timely data collection and enhanced analysis of performance data
- Reduction of total office paper emissions
- Management of industrial waste generation