Basic Environmental Policy
Ad-Sol Nissin contributes to the development of our customers and society through our information service business, which includes software development, information processing services, and the provision of solutions. br> Based on the recognition that these business activities have a significant impact on the environment, such as by using paper, generating waste, and consuming various resources including electricity and other energy sources, we assess the environmental impact of our business activities, products, and services in order to reduce our environmental impact and prevent pollution. We also seek to continuously improve the system (structure) and performance (results of activities) of our environmental conservation activities.
- We comply with environmental laws and regulations.
We comply with environmental laws, regulations, ordinances, and other requirements to which we have agreed and strive to improve the environment by setting voluntary standards to the extent technically and economically possible. - We will continue to carry out environmental conservation activities.
To proactively promote efforts to address environmental issues, we have appointed a secretariat and an environmental committee under the environmental management manager, and we are working to maintain and improve the environmental management system through self-management activities. - To prevent global warming, we are working to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases such as CO2.
We promote resource-saving and energy-saving activities that take environmental conservation into account to reduce the environmental impact of waste, etc., with a focus on the following:
(1) Making effective use of paper and reducing the amount used,
(2) Reducing waste by improving our recycling rate,
(3) Promoting energy conservation by introducing high-efficiency equipment and efficiently operating the equipment we already use,
(4) Saving resources by promoting computerization,
(5) Contributing to the visualization of CO2 emissions through the use of sensor network technology, and
(6) Striving to conserve biodiversity from our individual and organizational standpoints. - We set environmental objectives and targets, develop specific activities, and follow up on and review them.
- We develop activities with the participation of all employees through awareness-raising activities.
(1) Through education, training, and other awareness-raising activities, each employee deepens his or her awareness of environmental issues and promotes specific actions.
(2) We strive to gain the understanding and cooperation of not only our employees but also our clients, partner companies, and subcontractors with respect to our Basic Environmental Policy.