
Investor Relations

Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors

We recognize the importance of explaining our management policies in an easy-to-understand manner and gaining their understanding through constructive dialogue with our shareholders and investors to contribute to sustainable growth and medium- to long-term improvement of corporate value.
Based on this belief, we have established an IR system led by the director in charge of information disclosure, and strived to enhance information disclosure and constructive dialogue to deepen understanding among shareholders and investors, as well as to build long-term relationships of trust.

Dialogues with shareholders and Investors are mainly handled by the director in charge of information disclosure and the Corporate Planning Office. In addition, Representative Directors and Directors in charge respond to dialogs as necessary to a reasonable extent, based on investor's preferences and the main concerns of the meeting.
Opinions, requests, concerns, etc. from shareholders and investors obtained through dialogue are regularly reported to relevant internal parties, including management, at meetings of the Board of Directors and management conference.

Status of Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors

Activities in FY'24/3 Achievements
Financial Results Briefing for Institutional Investors and Analyst Twice
Medium-term Management Plan Briefing Once
Individual Meetings with Institutional Investors and Analysts 10 times or more in a quarter
Small Meeting Twice
Seminars for Individual Investors 4 times