Occupational Health and Safety
The Ad-Sol Nissin Group promotes occupational health and safety initiatives with the aim of creating a safe, secure, comfortable, and lively workplace.
Basic Policy on Working Environment, Health and Safety
Based on the recognition that the safety and health of our employees are of paramount importance in our business activities, the Ad-Sol Nissin Group has established the Basic Policy on Working Environment, Health and Safety, with the aim of creating a safe, secure, comfortable, and lively workplace.
This policy was approved by the Board of Directors, and is disseminated through internal bulletin boards and training programs to ensure that all employees fully understand the policy.
- Scope of Application
This policy applies to all executives and employees of the Ad-Sol Nissin Group. All business partners are also required to comply with this policy. - Continuous Improvement
We continuously strive to create a work environment in which it is possible to work in a safe and comfortable manner. - Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We comply with all laws, regulations, and internal rules regarding occupational health and safety in the workplace. - Risk Reduction and Prevention of Recurrence of Accidents
We identify risks and strive to reduce and eliminate them in order to prevent occupational accidents. In the event of such an accident, we will promptly assess the situation, analyze the causes, and formulate measures to prevent any recurrence. - Prevention of Overworking and Promotion of Mental and Physical Health
We prevent overworking, including long working hours, reduce the risk of infectious diseases among employees, and maintain and improve their physical and mental health. - Education and Training
We promote training and awareness activities for our executives and employees to familiarize them with this policy and put it into practice through our business activities.