Industry-Academia Collaboration
Creation of Innovative Key Technologies
We contribute to the development of a sustainable society by providing high value-added ICT systems based on our proprietary research and development.
With the aim of contributing to the development of a sustainable and prosperous society through joint research with universities and research institutions in Japan and abroad, collaboration with cutting-edge companies, and activities at the AI Research Institute and the Ad-Sol Nissin San Jose R&D Center in the U.S. (a wholly owned subsidiary), we are working to create, strengthen and expand our innovative key technologies using DX, AI, IoT, security and other cutting-edge technologies.
The University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo
Space / Satellite Data Utilization, Space and IT Human Resource Development
Since 2022, we have been promoting joint research with the Nakasuka-Funase-Ikari Laboratory which is part of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics of the University of Tokyo, on the theme of "Space x IT x Problem Solving" and are engaged in research on solving social problems through space/satellite data utilization (e.g., through the use of AI and other IT).
In addition, we are fully cooperating in the field of AI and IoT in the "Practical Space Data Utilization," a new course offered by the university in 2022 to develop Space and IT human resources.
Waseda University
Waseda University
/Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
EMS and International Standardization Initiatives
We are participating in a joint research project for the development of demand response technology being conducted by industry, academia, and government at the Energy Management System R&D Center, which was established at Waseda University by the research institute for advanced network technology of Waseda University (Director: Professor Yasuhiro Hayashi, Faculty of Science and Engineering) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. We were in charge of communication technology that works in conjunction with smart meters to control electricity peak shaving/peak cutting in smart houses and buildings in real time.
We are also jointly conducting research on regional energy management in Utsunomiya City.
*EMS: Energy management system
Keio University
Keio University
Fusion of GIS and AI/IoT
We have jointly developed a CPS platform that aggregates IoT data and GIS data in the city and a GIS-applied touchable 3D map that enables simulation of urban development with the Yan Laboratory of Keio Research Institute at SFC. We are conducting joint research on the "fusion of GIS and digital data" for the next generation of urban planning.
*GIS: geographic information system
Ritsumeikan University
Ritsumeikan University
IoT Security/OS for Next Generation IoT Devices
We have jointly established the IoT Security Research Center and the IoT Security Research Consortium. In addition to joint research on security technology, we are promoting human resource development. In addition, we are conducting joint research on improving the efficiency of CPUs installed in automobiles and factory automation equipment.
Da Nang University in Vietnam
Da Nang University in Vietnam
Realization of Smart University
With the aim of developing the advanced IT personnel, we have concluded an industry-academia collaboration agreement with Da Nang University and are promoting initiatives such as internship programs, symposiums, and workshops. In addition, under the theme of "Realization of Smart University," joint research is underway to integrate the Metaverse and educational systems. As an educational system, we utilize StudyArts, a proprietary educational solution of the Ad-Sol Nissin Group.