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Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

We are committed to creating an environment that encourages diverse talents to play an active role.

Holidays/leave programs supporting a childcare and nursing care

We are striving to create a supportive work environment by providing childcare and nursing care support programs to accommodate changing and diversifying lifestyles.

Childcare Leave We have established maternity and childcare leave programs.
To promote the use of these programs, we are fostering a supportive workplace culture through childcare support payments and interviews so that employees, regardless of gender, can balance childcare and work without difficulty.
In addition to these programs, we have also introduced a system of shorter hours and staggered working hours to provide a flexible work system that can be adapted to diverse lifestyles.
Nursing Care Leave We have established a nursing care leave program as part of our efforts to prevent employees from leaving their jobs due to nursing care, which has become a social issue in recent years, and to create an environment that allows employees to balance work and nursing care.

Targets and Initiatives the Empowerment of Women

We are working to create a comfortable work environment in which employees can balance work and child-rearing so that all employees are able to demonstrate their individual capabilities to the fullest.
As part of these efforts, we have formulated an action plan based on the "Act for Measures to Support the Development of the Next-Generation Children" and the "Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplaces."

  1. Period: 5 years from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2026
  2. Target, initiatives and implementation period

Target 1 Increase the number of women by 50% or more in the target grade (J1b grade and above) of the selective training program for the development of the next generation.


Seminar for female employees with the goal of preventing turnover and developing their careers and motivation at the Company.

From April 2021 Conduct interviews with female employees, collect and analyze information.
Support for promotion and study of measures to prevent resignation.
From April 2022 Support for promotion and consideration of retirement prevention measures.
From April 2024 Implement career seminars for women and follow-up with participants.

Targrt 2 Increase the ratio of male employees whose spouses have given birth to at least 80% who use one or more of the following childcare systems.

  1. Childcare leave
  2. Shorter working hours for childcare
  3. Our original childcare leave


From April 2021 Review and consideration of our original childcare leave
Conduct internal survey
From April 2022 Change in our original childcare leave
Consideration of measures to promote use of shorter working hours for childcare
From April 2024 Implement measures to encourage employees to take childcare leave