Corporate Governance
Basic Approach
We at the Ad-Sol Nissin Group recognize that our most important mission is to create sustainable growth and medium- to long-term corporate value. To realize this, we have positioned as our most important management issues the enhancement of corporate governance and the making of proactive efforts in order to be accountable to our shareholders. In the future, we will further enhance our corporate governance to maintain good relationships with all stakeholders and fulfill our social responsibility as a company, while being aware of management transparency, efficiency, and speed.
Basic Policy
- (1) We will strive to ensure our shareholders' rights and that all of our shareholders are treated equally.
- (2) We will strive to collaborate in an appropriate manner with non-shareholder stakeholders as well.
- (3) We will strive to ensure information disclosure and transparency in an appropriate manner.
- (4) The Board of Directors and the Board of Corporate Auditors will strive to fulfill their roles and responsibilities in an appropriate manner.
- (5) We will strive to engage in constructive dialogue with our shareholders.